What's happening in Year 4
What's happening in Spring 1?
What's happening in Autumn 2?
What's happening in Autumn 1?
Dear Parents,
Welcome to YEAR 4.
Remember to check out our School Twitter Feed or Class Dojo for more up to date information.
Please see our Curriculum Overview for more information on what the children will be learning this half term.
P.E. will take place on a Tuesday and Wednesday this half term. Please send children into school on that day dressed for PE with a school jumper/cardigan and joggers/leggings if it is cooler.
Water bottles
Please ensure your child brings a water bottle in school.
Your child will be given a set of spellings to learn each week. They will then be tested the following Friday. Children should read 5 minutes every night or as often as possible and this should be recorded in their reading records. Children should be accessing TTRS to help recall of times tables. Children will have a times table test every Wednesday. You can also help by hearing your children read and spell the Common Exception Words, in which the children are expected to know by the end of Year 4.
KIRFS (Key, Instant, Recall, Facts)
Each half term children are given Maths homework for them to practise and learn. Please click on the homework tab for a copy. Again children will be tested on these every half term.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to ask.
Mrs Thornton and Mrs Booth