Home Learning CV 2019/20
- Friday 3rd July phonics
- Friday 3rd July daily PP
- Thursday 2nd July RE template
- Thursday 2nd July phonics
- Thursday 2nd July 'Rhino' comprehension
- Thursday 2nd July maths
- Thursday 2nd July daily PP
- Wednesday 1st July SPaG
- Wednesday 1st July maths
- Wednesday 1st July daily PP
- Literacy weekly plan
- All about Elephants comprehension1.pdf
- Mat 2.pdf
- world_map.doc
- Tuesday 30th June.pdf
- All about Elephants comprehension.pdf
- Year 2 Home learning week 12.docx
- Mat 1.pdf
- Monday 29th June.pdf
- Maths - Friday challenge.pdf
- Fri 26th July.pdf
- t-l-51731-goldilocks-and-the-three-bears-traditional-tales-differentiated-reading-comprehension-activity.pdf
- Thur maths1.pdf
- Thur maths.pdf
- Wed maths- Sort 2D and 3D shapes.pdf
- Wed 24th June.pdf
- Year 2 Home learning week 111.docx
- year_2_wk_10_please_look_after_this_bear.pdf
- Tuesday 23rd June 2020.pdf
- week 11 Monday 22nd June.pdf
- Year 1 and 2 Stay at Home Programme Week 9 Brochure.pdf
- t-e-2549132-year-2-the-bear-who-came-to-babysit-differentiated-reading-comprehension-activity_ver_3.pdf
- The Sound Keeper Poem Questions & Answers1.pdf
- The Sound Keeper Poem Questions & Answers.pdf
- Bingo_ful Fri 19th June.doc
- Bingo_ly Thur 18th June.doc
- suffixcards_ly_ful Wed 17th June.doc
- DT Evaluation.doc
- Fri 18th June.pdf
- Thur 18th June.pdf
- Wed 17th June.pdf
- week 10 Monday 15th June1.pdf
- Tuesday 16 th June.pdf
- year_2_wk_9_poetry_festival.pdf
- Year 2 Home learning week 10.docx
- T-L-53274-KS1-The-Owl-and-the-PussyCat-Poem-Differentiated-Reading-Comprehension-Activity.pdf
- Suffix ly worksheet Mon 15th june.doc
- Suffix ful worksheet Tue 16th June.doc
- Pupper design template.pub
- Fri 12th June.pdf
- t-l-526582--new-ks1-the-camping-trip-fictional-differentiated-reading-comprehension-activity-_ver_7.pdf
- T2-E-107-Phase-6-Prefix-Words-Activity-Sheets-_ver_11.pdf
- Thur 11th June.pdf
- Phase 6 letter and sounds matching game.ppt
- Wed 10th June.pdf
- Tuesday 9th June.pdf
- week 9 Monday 8th June.pdf
- t-l-9554-ks1-deep-sea-explorers-differentiated-reading-comprehension-activity-_ver_2.pdf
- T2-E-107-Phase-6-Prefix-Words-Activity-Sheets-_ver_1.pdf
- year_2_wk_8_oliver_jeffers.pdf
- Year 1 and 2 Stay at Home Programme Week 7 Brochure.pdf
- Year 2 Home learning week 9 (1).docx
- Phase 6 pirate colouring sheets.pdf
- Fri 5th June.pdf
- Hummingbird Comprehension.pdf
- Thur 4th June.pdf
- Wed 3rd June.pdf
- Monday 1st June.pdf
- year2_wk_5_birds.pdf
- Nature_Guide_Birds_Extract.pdf
- A tale of 2 feathers comprehension.pdf
- Tuesday 2nd June.pdf
- Year 2 Home learning week 8.docx
- Outdoor phonic challenges.pdf
- Year 1 and 2 Stay at Home Programme Week 6 Brochure.pdf
- Fri phonic activity.pdf
- The lion and the mouse comprehension1.pdf
- Friday 22nd May.pdf
- Thur phonic activity.pdf
- Thur 21st May.pdf
- The ant and the grasshopper comprehension1.pdf
- Wed phonic activity.pdf
- Wed 20th May.pdf
- Year 2 Home learning week 7.pdf
- The tortoise and the hare comprehension.pdf
- Tuesday's Phonic Spag.pdf
- Monday's Phonic Spag.pdf
- year2_wk_4_horrid_henry.pdf
- Year 1 and 2 Stay at Home Programme Week 4 Brochure.pdf
- ni-n-147-birds-eye-view-activity-sheet_ver_1.pdf
- 19.05.20.pdf
- 18.05.20.pdf
- t-t-2547312-emperor-penguin-reading-comprehension-activity-sheet.pdf
- Home learning 15th May Year 2.pdf
- Thur phonics loop cards.pdf
- Home learning 14th May Year 211.pdf
- t-t-2546785-rivers-reading-comprehension-activity-sheet.pdf
- Wed phonics ful less worksheet.pdf
- Home learning 13th May Year 2.pdf
- Year 2 Wk 3 Recipes (1).pdf
- Mon phonics PP ful less1.ppt
- Tuesday ful less worksheet.pdf
- VE Reading comprehension.pdf
- Year 2 Home learning week 6.pdf
- Home learning 12th May Year 2.pdf
- Home learning 11th May Year 2.pdf
- Year 1 and 2 Stay at Home Programme Week 3 Brochure.pdf
- adding the suffix ment Wednesday loop cards.pdf
- reading activities.pdf
- 8th May Home learning._.pdf
- Thursday 7th May Year 2 x.pdf
- home learning 6th May ._.pdf
- Home learningTuesday 5th of May Y2.pdf
- Home learning 4th May Year 2.pdf
- Year 2 Home learning week 5 Wk beginning 4th May.pdf
- year_2_-_wk_2_roald_dahl_poetry (1).pdf
- Year 2 letter English lesson.doc
- home_learning_summer_1_overview.pdf
- Home Learning 1.5.2020 Fri.pdf
- er est worksheet Thur.pdf
- suffixes_er_est Wed.doc
- Home Learning 30.4.2020 Thur.pdf
- est er suffix Tue.pdf
- adding er suffix Mon.pdf
- Y2 Wk1 Julia Donaldson Characters.pdf
- Home Learning 27.4.2020 Mon.pdf
- Year 2 Home learning week 4.docx
- Journey-into-Easter.pdf
- Home Learning 9.4.20.pdf
- Home Learning 8.4.20.pdf
- Year 2 Home learning week 3.pdf
- Home Learning 7.4.20.pdf
- home leanring 6.4.20 year 2.pptx.pdf
- balloon experiement.docx
- adding_ed.pdf
- inggame.pdf
- home leanring 2.4.20 year 2.pdf
- home leanring 1.4.20 year 2 (1).pdf
- Year 2 Home learning week 2.docx
- home leanring 30.3.20 year 2 .pdf
- PHONICS – Ideas Year 2.pdf
- Year 2 Home learning week 1.pdf