Eco Warriors
Creating posters for World Ocean Day
Creating pictures out of natural materials
Designing poster for the Battery competition
Putting our bug hotels in the garden
Litter pick around school
Making Bread bag bundles
Build a Guy competition
On Friday 3rd November, Eco Club had a very busy lunch time building a Guy for the competition at Clitheroe Castle.
We were delighted to find out that our Guy 'Bob' came 2nd.
Well done Eco Club!
Eco Club meeting with Bob Turner
At lunch time on Tuesday 31st October, Eco club met with Bob Turner. We talked about how plastic is produced and the problems with plastic pollution. We discussed making our own Bread Bag Bundles of soft plastics. These can then be recycled at supermarkets. Eco club would like donations of clean soft plastics such as crisp packets, bread packets, salad wrapping, sweet wrappers etc. We will be making some of our own in the next few weeks.
Eco Warrior's Action Plan
Meet our Eco Warriors 2023-2024
We are very pleased to tell you that you and your Eco-Committee at St Michael and St John's Roman Catholic Primary School, Clitheroe have been successful in meeting the requirements for the Eco-Schools Green Flag Award.
21st July 2023
The review of the application noted the following:
Our team loved reading about the formation of your Eco-Committee this year, comprising both children and adult members with a shared passion for protecting our planet, and the application process in place. You’ve managed to hold an impressive number of meetings this year, well done! We enjoyed looking through your meeting minutes, thanks for uploading these – they clearly document talking points from the meeting as well as action points for the Eco-Committee to work on. It was great to read that the Environmental Review helped your children see how they could make a difference to their environment. A real strength of your application is that your Headteacher was involved at this point too, a clear sign of a whole-school approach. It was good to read through the comments and results on your uploaded review to get a sense of the current eco-situation in your school and your thoughts for future work. Great work everyone! We love that your Environmental Review inspired the choice of projects in your Action Plan. This is a strong approach to working on things that will produce visible impact and change, and a great example of critical thinking. Your Action Plan also shows that your Eco-Committee members have carefully considered how they can involve their entire school in their planned Eco-Schools’ activities to achieve maximum impacts and raise awareness amongst their school community. We love the variety of practical and fun activities planned for delivery this year, such as making bird feeders and bug hotels, designing posters and taking part in regular litter-picks! Your curriculum links are interesting and varied. It’s clear that environmental education has been embedded far and wide across your curriculum. A particular highlight for our team was your Year 2 History topic looking at people who created change – we imagine this was inspiring for your pupils. Thank you for sharing some lovely examples of the work produced by your pupils this year. We love that as a school you are regularly using the power of social media to share your good work with the wider community. You’ve also used diverse methods to inform your school community about your ongoing projects, such as posters, assemblies, the school website (thanks for sharing this link) and your Eco-Board. This comprehensive approach will help to engage others and expand the reach of your Eco-Schools work. It’s also clear that you’ve worked hard to engage and collaborate with outside organisations such as the River Ribble Trust and the Laudato Si’ group. Great stuff – we’ll all need to adopt this approach to fight the impacts of climate change in the future! Your successes this year are many! From improving and cleaning up your school grounds to working with outside agencies on various projects, everyone involved in your work should be very proud of all of their hard work and efforts! Our team enormously enjoyed reading your evaluations of each topic – these, along with the figures provided and all the evidence you’ve shared with us throughout your application, point to a very successful year on your Eco-Schools journey, well done everyone! We appreciate that finding time to fit your Eco-Schools work into a busy school timetable can be tricky – against this backdrop, your achievements are all the greater and we’re really glad you’ve committed to our programme. Your acrostic poem Eco-Code is punchy, powerful and full of direct calls to action. It’s a great reflection of the ethos that your Eco-Committee has created, well done to all involved! The video uploaded in the bonus section was wonderful and really inspiring, you must be extremely proud to work with such passionate young people! It has been an absolute pleasure to read through your application, you are a wonderful ambassador for the Eco-Schools programme and we are delighted, without hesitation, to award you an Eco-Schools Green Flag with Merit – Congratulations!
Meet the Eco warriors 2022-2023
Welcome to our Eco -club. We look forward to completing the Seven steps outlined on the ECO- Schools website. We are currently on Step 4. This year the children have used some of the money raised by the PTA to fund litter pickers. The children are busy collecting rubbish from the playground to protect God's wonderful world. We are designing and creating bug houses to attract wildlife into our school gardens.
Mrs Booth