Our Sacramental Children
Our current Year 3 children, from within our Parish, who are on the Sacramental Programme are preparing to become full members of the Catholic Church.
At present, due to Covid, the Sacramental Programme is being adapted. The whole programme will still be supported and reinforced in their R.E. lessons in school, ensuring that they receive the support not only from within their parish community but school also.
Members from the group St. Vincent de Paul (SVP) also work alongside the catechists and children arranging Prayer Friends. This is done by the SVP contacting some of our older parishioners, particularly those who may be housebound, and asking them to pray for a specific child. This year the children are being encouraged to build a relationship with their individual prayer friend by writing letters or drawing pictures. These are then distributed to the relevant prayer friend thus encouraging the children to think about others and doing things for someone else.
If anyone has any queries regarding the Sacrament Programme please contact either the parish priest, Father Paul Brindle. paul.brindle@dioceseofsalford.org.uk 01200 423307