Anti Bullying Ambassadors
Who are we?
We are the Anti-Bullying Ambassadors! We are around the school to help anyone with any friendship problems, if children want help or advice, if they feel like they are being bullied or if they think they have seen bullying in school.
Our Aims
Our aim is to stop and prevent bullying in our school and make it a kind, safe place where everyone likes to be and feels comfortable and safe to be themselves.
Together we are an SSMJ family.
Our Action Plan
Golden Ticket Week June 2024
Congratulations to our golden ticket winners! The Anti-Bullying Ambassadors decided on a theme of 'being a good friend'.
Thank you to the Anti-Bullying Ambassadors for leading this wonderful event.
Wellness Week May 2024
As part of Health and Wellness week the children were invited to a lunchtime meditation session. It was wonderful to see all different year groups coming together to relax and find peace together.
Fun on the Field April 2024
New Playground Equipment February 2024
The Anti-Bullying Ambassadors have been fantastic this week by showing all of the other children how to play with our new playground equipment. It was lovely to see the children developing healthy attitudes.
Mindful Breathing February 2024
The Anti-Bullying Ambassadors invited some of the children into the hall today to focus on mindful breathing. They listened to quiet piano music to connect with their thoughts. The children were all very respectful and relaxed.
Connecting with the outdoors February 2024
The Anti-Bullying Ambassadors have been connecting with the outdoors, they have been providing opportunities at lunchtime to connect with other children. Social relationships are vital for our wellness!
Yoga January 2024
The Anti-Bullying Ambassadors have been teaching Yoga to some of the children at lunchtime. The children understand that Yoga is a fun way to exercise, especially outdoors. They have been practising their poses and encouraging others to breathe deeply and appreciate the gentle breezes and leafy scenery.
Anti-Bullying Week November 2023
Anti-Bullying Activities 2022-2023
In November, Our Anti Bullying Ambassadors, led by Miss Massaro delivered a special assembly to the whole school. They helped us to understand what bulling is, what to do if we see or experience bullying, how to celebrate difference and they reminded us to always show kindness. We loved showing off our 'odd socks'.
Odd Socks Day
Anti-Bullying Ambassadors Presentation to Governors
In February our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors talked to the Curriculum Governors about the work they do in school.