Religious Education
“Following the example of Jesus, together we learn, love and respect one another to be the best we can be"
St Michael & St John’s Roman is a Catholic Primary School where every person is helped to do their best and to succeed in a place of love, peace and safety, following the teachings of Jesus. Religious Education is at the heart of our school, it is the core of the core, and is more than a National Curriculum subject; it is at the centre of what we do, say and believe.
Our children are offered an exciting and faith filled RE curriculum that is central to every aspect of school life. Through the outstanding provision we make we ensure that children leave our school religiously literate and engaged in the world and people around them, filled with knowledge, understanding and skills so that they can reflect spiritually, think ethically and theologically, and who are aware of the demands of religious commitment in everyday life.
Allocation of Time
As recommended by the Bishops’ Conference, we dedicate at least 10% of curriculum time to Religious Education. This is 2 hours 15 minutes in EYFS and KS1 and 2 hours 30 minutes in KS2. This does not include Collective Worship or Catholic Social Teaching.
Curriculum Scheme
The curriculum has been developed using the Come and See scheme, with the delivery of each topic taught in three parts: Explore, Reveal & Respond (Rejoice). Teaching includes other faiths: Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Sikhism.
Wreath Making with the Parish December 2024
Judaism Week November 2024
Remembrance November 2024
Rosary Club October 2024
Get Caught Praying October 2024
Rejoice 2024-2025
Latest RE Inspection Report July 2024
RE 2024-2025
RE 2023-2024
Catholic Social Teaching
Catholic Social Teaching (CST) offers a way of thinking, being, and seeing the world. It provides a vision for a just society in which the dignity of all people is recognised, and those who are vulnerable are cared for. It consists of Catholic social thought and principles which can be used to reflect on and guide how we relate to one another in our local and global communities. The CARITAS in Action programme is used to teach CST, along with other learning opportunities and resources.
CARITAS themes | Dignity of the human person | Family and community | Solidarity and the common good | Dignity of work | Rights and responsibilities | Option for the poor and vulnerable | Stewardship
‘Real education comes through much more than the transmission of facts and knowledge. Education is a lived reality where facts are translated into decisions and demonstrated by action.’ The Right Rev John Arnold, Bishop of Salford
CARITAS in Action Scheme of Work
Catholic Social Teaching
Mass at St Michael & St John's RC Church
Here are some websites we use in school to help us deliver RE both in class and through prayer and worship:
Bible Stories
Three Minute Retreats- prayer and reflection