Computing 2024-25
Using iPads 2024-2025
Computing - Spring 2024
Lots of great learning is taking place across school in Computing. The children are now able to use the brand new iPads to support their learning.
Key learning taking place across each year group
"All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made."
Computing in ACTION at SSMJ
STEM Ambassadors
Our STEM Ambassadors play a vital role at SSMJ! Their aim is to continue to raise the profile of computing across all of the curriculum and ensure children at SSMJ fully understand what it means to be safe online!
Computing 2022-23
Welcome to computing at SSMJ
By using our fantastic computing suite, children at SSMJ are provided with an opportunity to dive into the computing curriculum! In the computing curriculum we aim to develop children to improve their digital literacy, computer science and information technology.
What computing looks like at SSMJ!
Here at SSMJ we use Purple Mash to help facilitate the high quality computing lessons taking place:
This allows children develop a better understanding of computer science, information technology, as well as improving their digital literacy.
Take a look at this in action!: