Celebrating the Liturgical Year
What is the Liturgical Year?
The liturgical year is a cycle that keeps repeating itself year after year, but, from a spiritual standpoint, it is always new because it continues to draw us more deeply into our relationship with Christ. The Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us that each liturgical year becomes for us a “year of the Lord’s favor” (No. 1168).
Unlike the secular year, which marks the passage of time, the liturgical year celebrates the sacred mysteries of the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus. It includes the feast of the Ascension, when Jesus returned to heaven with the promise that he would come again, and Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles.
It is a time of waiting for the birth of the Messiah. There are four Sundays in Advent. You’ll notice at Mass that the colours used for vestments and altar cloths during Advent are purple. The readings and the music during Advent reflect this spirit of anticipation and longing for the coming of the Lord. We light the Advent Wreath as we count down the time. Each candle represents a message/thought of Hope (Purple), Faith (Purple), Joy (Pink), Peace (Purple) with the final middle candle being lit on Christmas Eve (White) representing the birth of Jesus.
Christmas Eve marks the beginning of the Christmas season in the church, which lasts until the feast of the Baptism of the Lord in January. White or gold are the colors used for vestments and altar cloths. The readings, the music and the decorations in the church project joy and a sense of celebration.
The children at SSMJ take part in a nativity performance and share this with their families and the wider community.
Carol Concert
The SSMJ School and Church Choir team up to perform a Carol Concert telling people all about the birth of Jesus.
Ordinary Time
Ordinary time follows the Christmas season. It begins on the Monday after the feast of the Baptism of the Lord and ends when Lent begins. A second period of Ordinary Time follows Pentecost and continues until the beginning of Advent. The color green, a symbol of hope, is used for vestments and altar cloths during Ordinary Time. Throughout Ordinary Time, the story of Jesus’ life and ministry continues to unfold.
Lent is the time of year when Christians prepare for Easter. It lasts for 40 days and ends 9 days before Easter, on a Friday. During Lent, many Christians fast, or go without regular meals. They do this in memory of Jesus Christ, who is said to have fasted for 40 days in the desert. Throughout Lent the children focus on the three elements of 'Give, Act and Pray'.
Stations of the Cross
Every Lent, during Holy Week, we have a Stations of the Cross. We begin by visiting Church and looking at the Stations of the Cross positioned around and discuss what they show. Each class visits the Stations of the Cross in school and completes either a reflection or an activity in every area. It is a time to reflect on the sacrifice that Jesus made to save us from our sins.
Easter is the greatest celebration in the Catholic Church because it is the completion of the Holy week that ends with the resurrection of Jesus. Easter celebrates the beginning and foundation of Christianity. Jesus was raised from the dead, and it goes to show that He conquered sin and death.
KS 2 children also com together to perform Resurrection Rock which tells of the Easter story through Bible Readings and songs.
EYFS & KS 1 perform a Spring production when we return after Easter.
Ascension Day
The 40th day after Easter was the final day when Jesus was seen. On this day, he visited his disciples. This day, in which he was taken to heaven, is called Ascension Day. The day is also known as the Feast of Ascension.
When Jesus made his final visit, he told his disciples he would always be with them, as well as promising them the gift of the Holy Spirit. He took them to the Mount of Olives, where it's believed they watched him ascend to heaven.
Pentecost celebrates the time the Holy Spirit descended to the 12 disciples of Jesus. Christians believe that the Holy Spirit blessed them with the ability to speak different languages. This meant they could spread the word of the Lord and managed to Baptise lots of people continuing the work Jesus had started.