Spelling Shed
Each week the children will be assigned a new set of spellings to practise using Spelling Shed. The spellings match the spelling rule that we are learning in class that week. The children have an individual username and password to log into Spelling Shed. It can be found in the back of their reading record book.
Purple Mash
Homework tasks that have been set on Purple Mash can be found in the '2do' folder. The children have an individual username and password. Please speak to me if your child needs a reminder of their login details.
Use TTRS to develop fluency and recall of times tables. By the end of Year 2, it is expected that the children can recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables, including recognising odd and even numbers. TTRS will support with this.
Century is an award winning learning platform. Using artificial intelligence and neuroscience, CENTURY creates constantly adapting pathways for pupils whilst they are learning at home.
There are some links below for some reading online resources: