Weekly homework
Homework to be handed in before Friday 25th March 2022
Homework to be handed in before Friday 18th March 2022
Homework to be handed in before Friday 11th March 2022
Homework to be handed in before Friday 4th March 2022
Homework to be handed in before Friday 11th February 2022
Homework to be handed in before Friday 4th February 2022
I have set a few tasks on Purple Mash (Usernames and passwords are in the children's reading records) and spellings as normal please.
Homework to be handed in before Friday 28th January 2022
Homework to be handed in by Friday 21st January 2022
This week I would like all the children to complete 3 tasks on Purple Mash. Purple Mash can be accessed by searching Purple Mash on Google.
All the children have their Purple Mash username and password stuck in their Reading Records. The school postcode is BB7 1AG.
They need to go to the 2Do section on the top left and complete the 3 tasks that I have set. Spellings are also on Spelling page. Thank you, Mrs Grimshaw