Faith & Music
Links to our Distinctively Catholic Ethos and British Values
The British values and the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development (SMSC) form an integral part of the Music curriculum.
Spiritual - Listening to, creating or performing music can sometimes be a moving and even spiritual experience, creating awe and wonder. Pupils are encouraged to reflect on the important effect that music has on people. Singing is also a form of worship, demonstrated in our weekly singing worship. Children are encouraged to add songs to the 'Child Planned Worship' weekly and songs are widely used as part of learning in our RE topics.
Moral – Pupils learn to compose and perform for different audiences and purposes. Pupils also learn to respect all genres of music. Through the songs chosen, children explore meaning and lyrics. Additionally, children learn to look after the musical instruments and equipment, and treat it with respect.
Social – Through the common goal of making music, pupils learn to work effectively with others and build good relationships. Music plays a vital role in building self-confidence such as through sharing music and performing. The extra-curricular opportunities provided at SSMJ allow all pupils to perform and participate in the celebration of music, sharing that love of music with others.
Cultural – Pupils have the opportunity to encounter music from many cultures/religions, and through their growing knowledge and understanding of music, they become more accepting towards other cultures, religions and societies. Pupils learn to respect the diversity of Music. Pupils also learn about the history of music when listening to and appraising music from different genres.
Tolerance – Music learning stimulates pupils’ curiosity about, and tolerance of, differing cultures/religions and their music, whilst also developing a growing awareness of identities, from personal to national to international.
Rule of law – Pupils know that there are rules and expectations that have to be followed during Music learning.
Individual Liberty – Pupils know that they can make independent and informed choices, within the parameters of the rules, when performing, improvising and composing music.
Mutual Respect – Pupils understand that they can express their views and listen to the views of others when appraising music. They also respect other pupil’s views when they differ to their own.
Democracy – Pupils are given opportunities to have a say, ask big questions and be engaged in topic they want to learn about.
To support our teaching of Music at SSMJ we use several resources including Charanga which incorporates parts of the Model Music Curriculum.