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St Michael and St John's

Roman Catholic Primary School

Following the example of Jesus, together we learn, love and respect one another to be the best we can be.

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St Michael and St John's

Roman Catholic Primary School

Following the example of Jesus, together we learn, love and respect one another to be the best we can be.

Extra Curricular

 At St Michael and St John's, we run a variety of clubs and extra curricular activities, during lunchtime and after school for children in Years R - 6. The choice of club can change termly and these will be advertised to parents accordingly.  Children have the opportunity to sign up to a new club at the start of each term. We aim to provide a range of provision that will appeal to all children so that every child can find a club that interests them. 


Extra Curricular Clubs 2023-24


Summer 2


KS2 Rounders

KS1 Coding 

Year 4,5 and 6 Netball

Choir (Lunchtimes only)

Year 5 and 6 Tag Rugby 

First Holy Communion

Summer 1


SATs Practice (Year 6)

EYFS and Year 1 Story Club

Year 4,5 and 6 Netball

KS2 Cross Country

Choir (Lunchtime only)

First Holy Communion

Spring 2


Year 5/6 Football

KS1 Story Club

TTRs Club (Lunchtimes only)



Musical Theatre Club 


Spring 1

Monday - EYFS/KS1 Board games with Miss Massaro
Tuesday - KS2 recorders with Mrs Bennett
Year 5 and 6 football with Mr Cross
Thursday - KS2 Drawing club with Mr Swindells
KS1 Story Club with Miss Wheatcroft

Autumn 2

Extra Curricular Club 2022-23

The clubs which we are currently offering during Spring 2 are the following: 


KS2 Dance (with Simon from Ribble Valley Sports) 

A Year 6 after school SATs booster with Mr Swindells

Year 5/6 Football with Mr Cross

Girls Football with Mr Smith (all year groups)

TTRs lunchtime club with Mrs Thornton, Mrs Booth and Mrs Bennett

Choir (Wednesday lunchtimes with Mrs Bennett)

EYFS/ KS1 Board Game club with Miss Massaro
KS1 story club with Miss Critchley

A wellbeing club on Thursday lunchtimes with Harry and Erin (our Wellbeing Warriors from Year 6)



If you are interested in any clubs, please enquire at the office. 

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