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St Michael and St John's

Roman Catholic Primary School

Following the example of Jesus, together we learn, love and respect one another to be the best we can be.

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School Logo

St Michael and St John's

Roman Catholic Primary School

Following the example of Jesus, together we learn, love and respect one another to be the best we can be.


This page is all about our 'Curriculum'. Please scroll to find out about what our curriculum looks like. While this page tells you more about the overall curriculum, you will find an icon linking you to the subject pages so you can find out exactly what each subject has been up to. Keep scrolling down to find them. 

What does your child learn at school each day? Find information about our curriculum subjects here.


Our Curriculum

Our school curriculum aims to help each child to realise his/her maximum potential in a safe and happy environment.


Our mission statement and the religious teaching of the school informs planning and delivery of all subjects. We have high expectations for every child.  We expect our children to be involved in setting their own targets and to work hard to discover their best ways of learning.


At St Michael and St John’s we engage children in learning by teaching National Curriculum subjects as subjects.  Each year group has a ‘Curriculum Grid’ for each half term which sets out what children will be learning in each subject (See below).


We follow the statutory National Curriculum and build the objectives from this curriculum into units of work for each year group. We use a range of resources when planning our curriculum and tailor these resources to meet the needs of our children. Everything we do is underpinned by our unique curriculum ‘driver’ which was created by all staff and following pupil discussion. Early Years children (Reception class) follow the EYFS Statutory Framework. 



Our Curriculum ‘Driver’

With faith at the heart of our curriculum at St Michael and St John’s, we will appreciate and understand the diverse culture and utilise the history and geography of our unique environment.

We will prepare our children through memorable experiences for their role, in an ever changing society


As we continue to develop the curriculum, ‘Pupil Voice’ will be fundamental to our developments as we review with children and staff the topics they have enjoyed learning through and what/how they would like to learn in the future.


We send home half termly class newsletters to keep parents fully informed about their children’s learning and to advise them how they can help their children. Working in partnership with parents is a priority in school. 


Curriculum Leaders

If you have any questions about a particular subject, please speak to the ‘Subject Leader’ for that subject:



Religious Education /Worship

Mrs Mabbott & Miss Massaro



 Mrs Mabbott & Mrs Fullalove




Miss Harkin 


PhonicsMiss Massaro



Mrs Delargy



Mrs Fullalove 



Mr Currid 



Mrs Russell


GeographyMrs Russell



Mrs Younis



Mrs Bennett



Mrs Bennett

PSHE / British Values


Miss Massaro

Miss Harkin 

Educational Visits Co-ordinatorMiss Harkin 
SENDCoMrs Flynn


Miss Harkin 

Assessment Mrs Mabbott
EYFSMiss Harkin



Please click each of the buttons below to access the corresponding curriculum plan. 

In all subjects, as a school, we ensure children are provided with the opportunity to become the best they can be. This is through a progressive curriculum that inspires and innovates students to experiences all subjects in their greatest sense. At SSMJ, we understand Online Safety is paramount in an ever changing world. We continue to ensure all children are safe in education and, following closely the Online Safety Policy, in all subjects we ensure children are appropriate in their Conduct, Content, Contact and Commerce. This is also in accordance with our Safeguarding Policy and in line with the Keeping Children Safe in Educations Act.

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