Current good practice: Increasing the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the school curriculum St Michael and St John’s has close working relationships with its feeder nurseries and pre-schools with thorough transition arrangements in the summer term before starting at school. This may include multi-agency meetings with parents and all professionals involved in supporting the child. The school SEN policy ensures that staff identify, assess and arrange suitable provision for pupils with special educational needs and / or disability. Working with the LCC SEND team, outreach services, health professionals and Educational Psychology Service, the SENCo manages the Statutory Assessment process, ensuring additional resources, including staffing, are allocated where appropriate through additional top-up funding. The school works closely with specialist services including:
Advisory Teacher for Hearing Impaired
Advisory Teacher for Visual Impairment
Occupational Therapists/Physiotherapists
Speech and Language Therapists
Local specialist provision
Educational Psychology Service
LCC SEND Team specialist teachers
CAMHS GPs and paediatricians
School Nurse Team Counselling
Other advisory services and charities
Facilities and support currently on offer at the school include: Designated areas and support for 1:1 or small-group work SENCo to access Early Help and other agencies through the CAF process SENCO support Advice, assessment and support from Speech and Language Therapist Specialist teacher in cognition and learning to advise staff Educational Psychologist Makaton sign language iPads / access technology Range of English and maths interventions Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) interventions, e.g. IDL Access to ALL extra-curricular activities and clubs and school visits Advice and support from School Nurse Team Paediatric First Aiders Use of diagnostic assessments by the SENCo who is also a specialist teacher