Monday 7.6.2021
View the very short version of the King Midas story (below) Have ever seen or heard other versions of this story? Although the story is ancient, you may have seen modern versions and stories clearly influenced by the tale, for example, The Skittles advertisement on YouTube
Draw direct comparisons between the original myth and modern advert. What are the themes in both? As a reader, what do they make you think about?
Use this as a model for a short writing opportunity. E.g. based on a material the children have always craved or wanted, compose a short story about what happens when their wish comes true.
Explain that myths are ancient and well-known stories. The original purpose of these stories was to explain natural and mysterious events in a fictional story and to pass on cultural and religious beliefs to the next generations. They should amaze and intrigue the reader with tales of superhuman deeds and amazing events.
Talk about what is important in life? What will stay with you throughout your life? That may be family, it may be some key value. Many things seem important for a while but they pass, some things are of value always.
Introduce the concept of the Hindu belief in one supreme Being called Brahman, who takes many different visible forms and how all the gods and goddesses represent different aspects of Brahman. For Hindus Brahman is neither male nor female but is in everything including all of Creation and is the source of the origin of the world.
Brahman has three major qualities or trimurti (tri = 3 murti = gods) Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Vishnu came to earth to destroy evil and Shiva is the destroyer, the source of good and bad. Shiva is usually represented as the Lord of the Dance with a wheel behind him and he controls the movement of the universe.
Show the video clip(s) and talk about what the children have to say about the Hindu gods especially Ganesh another useful about the explanation of the Hindu gods.
- Research a story about Brahman
- Look at the picture of Brahman and say what you think the symbols that surround the him might mean.